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Habe lange nach eher kleineren und schmaleren Säckchen gesucht, die auch in die Babyschale von Zwillingskinderwägen passen. Dafür ist dieses Modell hervorragend geeignet. Es passt auch sehr gut für Neugeborene in den Autositz. Ich habe zwei Stück gekauft und sie haben meine Kleinen auch bei Minus 15 Grad moppelig warm gehalten. Qualität und Verarbeitung sind sehr gut. beide Säckchen halten auch ich weitere Kinder aus. sie sind eher kurz, als nur für die Kleinsten geeignet.
I'm always looking for that product that will make my curly hair look fabulous so I have tested a lot of things. This cream was good but to be honest, you can get the same result from many other creams you find at the local Apotheke. The key is using very little of it. If you use more than an almond sized amount of this product (I have waist length curly hair..quite long and thick and lots of it) you get this wet curly look that I am not a fan of. Once you learn the right amount to use and blow dry it gently or with a diffuser, you can see your natural texture come out and your hair feels very soft and clean. In that, I can see a difference from other creams..the way the hair feels right afterwards. Very light, clean, soft and untangled hair you can run your fingers through. Until the next day. I wash my hair every few days so I need hair products that don't clump up my hair. This one goes bezerk the day after and I had so many tangles it was insane. I don't see myself washing my hair every day simply to use this product but it does a good job the first day I wear it.